Sunday, 9 May 2010

Botanical Investigations (Hypothesis)

Following spending alittle too much time relaxing this weekend, we decided to begin something more like work. The experiment we decided to perform was an investigation of the ability of various plant species to survive our careful ministrations. To begin this test, we purchased a small number of plant specimens, planned to establish them in appropriate conditions and rated their survival chances before commencing the experiment.
Following the planning stage, I was unsure of how to proceed, perhaps due to over-excitement:
Sarah however had a solution:
Here our the newly planted 'crop' type plant. From left to right; three tomato plants, a chilli plant, some basil and another chilli plant. Chance of survival: Low - Medium.

We also decided to test some 'non-crop' type plants. Chance of survival: Medium.

Finally as a control, we established a 'cactus' type plant, marked for sale as 'resilient' and able to survive with 'little or no attention for prolonged periods'. Chance of survival: Medium.
We will update you as to the experimental progress with time.

1 comment:

  1. Great punchline. I can't wait to watch those plants die, probably due to a chemical spill of some sort.
