Sunday, 14 November 2010

Skyline Drive in Autumn

This weekend, we headed back to Skyline Drive in Shenandoah, Virginia, to see the National Park in autumn before it gets too cold!
Firstly, we went to the visitor Center at Dickey Ridge, and took a short walk around there. Here's the view from the top:
The walk took us past a cemetery of an early homestead in the area:

We continued out drive, and saw some amazing views. The tree's were beautiful:

Finally, we took a walk from the road along the Appalachian trail, starting here. We also used this as an opportunity for us to model one of Sarah's new crotchet creations and get some good photos:

I think the hat is brilliant. We (I was heavily involved....) have made a similar, smaller, one for our niece as a thanksgiving present.