Sunday, 29 April 2012

Pike's Peek 10k Run

Today was the annual Pike's Peek 10k run from Shady Grove to Whiteflint Metro Station.  Its a great, mainly downhill run - and the weather was perfect. I was really happy with my time at just over 45 minutes (the results are here). This is better than my time last year; so I'm really pleased. 

Sarah was there to cheer me on, and got this picture at the end of the race:


Sunday, 22 April 2012

Giant Pufferfish

We have an obstetrics nurse living next door, and last week she told me to make sure Sarah had enough water to drink. She later learned that after this, I basically made Sarah drink all the time. On realising I was quite impressionable, the wily neighbour also said I needed to buy Sarah nice things.

This weekend, Sarah and I took it easy and did some walking around Frederick, and fulfilled some her her advice. In a toy store, we saw a giant pufferfish, which I bought for Sarah. It is very cute:

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Spring Photos

Last weekend, we took advantage of the beautiful Spring weather, and did some gardening on our front lawn. Here's an 'After' photo with Sarah standing in front of our house:
We also had a very low key Passover meal on Friday, with Sarah getting a chance to use our new China for the first time:
Over Easter, we took the opportunity to go on a little local walk, exploring a new path - the Greenway trail between Germantown and Gaithersburg. It's really nice that after being here two years, we're still finding new routes to explore. The walk was perfect, with the trees just starting to turn green: