Sunday, 19 June 2011

Sarah's Parent's Visit

This weekend, Sarah's parents came to visit. We took them to see our local park:

We think our house is just behind the tree's above Sarah's head. Next time I run out here, we might get Sarah to walk down to the lake to confirm this...
This weekend, we also headed out to our local Home Depot to buy a barbecue/grill. Initially I was tempted by some of the huge grills which were larger than our deck, could feed a family of 24 and had a total heat output greater than the surface of the sun. Against my better judgement, we settled on a smaller model, which seemed fine for us, and is now sitting out on our deck!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Painting the Living Room

Spent the weekend building a den in the living room:

Sarah also painted whilst I played in the Den. We chose the color Country Cottage, it looks very nice:

Now we've painted most of the ground floor!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Swamp Romp on Sunday

After painting the house yesterday, we are at WolfTrap today, having a picnic & listening to Zydeco Music (?) at a swamp romp. The audience tends toasted the 30-50a NPR/Radio4 crowd. It is fun, and there are lots of shiny umbrellas.

Location:Wolf Trap,United States